Riding a side by side is a fun and exciting way to enjoy the outdoors. However, risky and irresponsible behavior while riding can lead to some serious consequences. That’s why the experts at Cool Springs Powersports have created this list of side by side trail riding tips.

Stick to Designated Trails

The idea of exploring off the beaten path might sound like fun, but there’s a reason why those trails were established. In most cases, going off-trail while riding on state or federal land is illegal. Riding your side by side off-trail can trample vegetation and disturb animal life. There’s also a good chance that you’ll accidentally hit an obstacle that your side by side isn’t equipped to handle.

Safety Equipment

Riding gear will help protect you and your passengers in the event that your side by side suffers some kind of accident. At a minimum, you and everyone riding with you should be wearing a DOT-certified helmet, goggles that provide anti-fog/UV protection, and full-length clothing to protect your skin in the event of a crash.

Be Polite

It’s also important to follow basic trail riding etiquette at all times. This includes giving other riders the right of way when necessary and informing them of how many riders are behind you if you’re in a group. Be sure to move as far over as you safely can when deferring and alert others to unsafe/dangerous trail conditions. If you see someone stopped on the side of the trail, take a second to check that they’re just taking a break and not in need of assistance.

Shop side by sides at Cool Springs Powersports in Franklin, Tennessee. We’re proud to serve communities like Nashville, Spring Hill, and Columbia, Tennessee. We hope to see you soon!